[C A R N i V A L E] V i R E L A Y [[ooc]] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
[C A R N i V A L E] V i R E L A Y [[ooc]]

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The Big Bad is back [Dec. 4th, 2011|10:38 am]

Hello one and all! Gar and I have returned from a third year of winning NaNoWriMo. This year was a real struggle as compared to the previous two, but mission was accomplished! I'm back and ready to rock and roll with Gar. If you could please be so kind as to give me a quick reply and update with your kids, especially if they have crossed paths with Gar in the past, it would help me out getting into the swing of things again since IJ hates me and won't let me read back. Missed you all!

Nytie and Gar
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Hiatus please [Jul. 8th, 2011|05:56 am]

I am going in for surgery this morning, and recovery time could range from a day or two to a couple of weeks. Secondly, I am going to San Diego for SDCC from July 19th - 27th, and I have no idea what the internet situation will be. I plan to wrap up any scenes, etc I have going in the next week, but will need the end of the month off for sure for vacation. If you see me on AIM, please ping me for chat! Thanks!

Nyt and Gar
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[Dec. 21st, 2010|11:31 am]
I've kind of given up the ghost on this, after sitting this long I'm not sure I'll feel a reboot when/if it happens, so just blowing kisses and having the guts to be the one person who actually SAYS they are moving on. Mwah to all who are still potentially alive and just sitting on their thumbs.
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Really? [Dec. 13th, 2010|08:44 pm]

[mood | artistic]

The only visitor to my Friends Page is me? This game is GREAT! I don't want to see it die. Come on Mods, get your asses in gear and RUN THIS GAME!

Otherwise, I may take my current mood of "FUCK YOU NIKKI SIXX" seriously, and wipe out ALL my characters PB'd by him.

I love Virelay. I really do. Let's not let it die. Please?
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Let's play!! [Dec. 1st, 2010|01:18 pm]


I'm back from NaNoWriMo Land with a new novel in the books at 55,000 words, and I crossed the 50,000 word finish line a week early, three days faster than last year!


Gar wants to play! Anyone else still around?
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Update [Nov. 14th, 2010|01:03 pm]

NaNoWriMo is going well, as of typing this, I am well on my way to 34,000 words!! I just wanted to say that if you see my AIM SN online, DarkCarnieGar, I am up for chatting, or even scening! Hope you all are well!

Nytie and Gar
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Hiatus Notice [Oct. 31st, 2010|09:35 am]

Happy Halloween All! This is a note to let you all know that I will be taking part in NaNoWriMo 2010 during the whole month of November, and therefore, all or most of my spare, non-working time will be taken up with writing. I will finish any threads or scenes I am currently in, but most likely will not be on AIM as that is a HUGE distraction when you have to crank out a minimum of 1667 words every day. Gar is my favorite RP Kid, and this is my favorite game so I may start threads for him, but not AIM scenes. Wish me luck! I finished last year 4 days early and ended up with a 56,000 word novel that I am still editing.


Nytie and Gar
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Hiatus [Oct. 28th, 2010|10:13 pm]
It's been a while since I've done anything on the game and I am sorry for my sudden disappearances and inactivity. For the most part I've had several things come up and just when things look like they're settled something else happens. Right now I'm hoping that within a few more weeks I'll be back for real. So this is just a notice that until Mid-Novemberish (Sometime after the 15th) I will see where I'm at and if I can I will start to hop back on the wagon and start playing again.

If I am already in a scene that is incomplete and you want to finish it just give me a message either here or if you see me around on AIM and I will finish them. I will be around from time to time and I don't want to bail any more than I might have already done. Have fun you guys and I'll see you guys once things are less crazy. :)
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[Oct. 21st, 2010|02:28 pm]
Hey, everyone! I'm back from Boston, all settled in, and ready to start playing. Since it's been a while since I was able to post to a thread (because of Boston and such), I'm thinking it would be easier just to mark them complete and start new ones.

So, if anyone wants to play with Dahlia or Ophelia here, just let me know! <333
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Ripping off the band-aid [Oct. 20th, 2010|10:18 am]

Hey all.

I'm going to have to bow out here. Colleen just isn't speaking to me.

Maybe she'll come back and I'll be able to rejoin later.

Love to all.

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Montpelier Documentary Interviews! [Oct. 20th, 2010|04:08 am]
Unless your character has specifically opted out of the documentary [mod note: please have a good reason and maybe write about it!], the crews of Purple Kayak Studios will be catching up with them to ask a few questions. There are some questions they'll be asking everyone, and others they'll be asking on a case-by-case basis.

So, if you'd like to contribute, allow your character to answer all questions under 'Mandatory', then pick up to 4 out of 'Optional'! Keep in mind, this is your character speaking to strangers with a mic and camera present - how well they communicate will vary! For an example, read Ivan's interview!

How did you end up learning your act?
What's good about the circus lifestyle?
What are some of the drawbacks?
Do you think the general population looks at you differently because of your profession?
Are there ever physical altercations? Is 'carnie justice' real?
What are your ambitions outside of the circus?

What was your first memory related to the circus?
When did you first consider actually joining the circus, and why?
Was there anything that was shocking or hard to get used to when you started?
What has been most difficult for you?
You live in close quarters with many different people. What are the inherent conflicts most often about?
What about relationships - What's your approach to romance on the road?
How long do you think you'll work in this environment?
What would cause you to quit or settle down?
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[Sep. 23rd, 2010|12:55 am]

Hi all, this is Angel with my second character, Veronica Taylor aka Sadistica, Ms. Sadistica, Mistress Sadistica, whatever. She's a magician with an edgy and sometimes dirty act, does whip tricks and might dance from time to time in the Hootchie Tent if asked nicely (and I do mean nicely). She's incredibly outspoken, a bit of a bitch, incredibly dominant, and has a very fiery, competitive spirit. I hope to find her plenty of people to play versus, as she's still considerably nicer than Roddy ;)
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We need HIM!!! [Sep. 19th, 2010|08:23 pm]

[mood | creative]

Ringmaster anyone? I bring you, Eddie Izzard as Mr. Kite from "Across the Universe".

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fresh meeeat? [Sep. 2nd, 2010|12:56 am]

Durrr I am liek so smrt and totally didn't know we had an OOC comm. Alas, I have learned we do! Hi kidlings, my name's Angie. c: I'll be bringing in Fleur, whose stagename is Cosette (yes, as in Les Mis), but she'll go by either name. She was born and raised in France, but she speaks perfect English with an accent that isn't entirely atrocious. And she'll doing equestrian acro in the main tent. ♥

Since there wasn't a personality section in the app, you'll learn over time that Fleur is the following: spacey, a bit of a creep, fond of giving compliments, sweet, determined, and appreciative of the lemons that life has thrown at her. If she stares too long, it's only because she's forgotten to look away.

The rest of my info and hers is in her profile/app, which should at some point not be disguised under a cut called "meow", but it will suffice for now. Contact is mean umbrellas on AIM!

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[Sep. 1st, 2010|12:29 pm]
I live. Clearly.
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|07:21 pm]

Going on hiatus a while, not feeling so hot about Virelay, so I figured I'd give a heads up and see if I come around again.
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|12:15 pm]

Gone until Sunday evening, lovers, for it is my birthday tomorrow, and there will be some good times. :)

Alex-mun, we can do that thread when I get back on Sunday, si? <3
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[Jul. 30th, 2010|10:12 am]

Just a head's up, I'm not going to really be around much from Sat through Tuesday. After that, though, it's on :)
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[Jul. 26th, 2010|02:39 pm]

Hallo! This is Angel with my first character, a real freakshow-type known as 'Razor Roddy'. He's a jerk, a sadist, a misogynist, drug user and alcoholic, and never fails to open his mouth and piss someone off, but he's damn good at what he does so he's typically tolerated. I hope you all enjoy my professional ouch!eater/human!pincushion! Bother me anytime for threads or plotting!
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Missed it by THAT much... [Jul. 24th, 2010|01:07 pm]


Jonah — A person who brings bad luck to everyone in his vicinity. This term was never exclusively a circus term, but was in much wider general use in the past. A mother watching her child perform in the ring is almost certain to be a Jonah. **

Good thing his name is JONAS, huh? Of course, we may have lost a plot device.

** From American Circus Lingo
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